The official website of the Irish Harness Racing Association

Bernie Kelly

The Irish Harness Racing Association would like to take this opportunity to wish Bernadette Kelly a speedy recovery at this very difficult time. 


Bernie known to one and all has played multiple roles in secretarial and administrative positions over many years for the benefit of everybody in the sport, including IHRC / STAGBI, Irish Standardbred Association, The Whitehouse Raceway, Collon Raceway Development, Standardbred Horse Racing Ireland, Vincent Delaney Memorial Committee & Sire Stakes Ireland.


Her contribution over the years has been invaluable, she has played a very active role, provided the use of her family home as a hub for harness racing over the years until this organisation was in a position to standalone. 

She has been conspicuous by her absence from some of the major events in recent times as she has concentrated her well deserved efforts on building a new family life having moved house and home to the country.


Bernie our thought and prayers are with you right now.