The Government supported and funded an independent Economic Report into the sport and industry of Harness Racing in Ireland was released in November. This document is the road-map for the development of the sport in the Isle of Ireland going forward.
Through this Report, there is the means for upgrading and new tracks, stabling and equine facilities – in all three regions – Annaghmore, Cork and Dublin
Following the Reports’ recommendations will deliver longer-term benefits to all participants and stakeholders including:
- A greater opportunity to race
- Receiving larger prize money
- Being part of bigger race championships
- Enjoying greater industry support for your horse
- Receiving best practice veterinary care
- Increasing the means to purchase and breed horses
- Utilising optimum facilities for both training and on race day
For any organisation to oversee an industry or sport, correct operation and governance structures must be in place.
Areas of management by IHRA Board will be
- Finance including Budgets, Audit and Risk Committee
- Strategic Planning
- Capital Expenditure
- Nominations and Remunerations
- Marketing, PR & Integration
- Welfare and Veterinary
To ensure voices from Members and Stakeholders are heard this structure sees the establishment of sub-committees including:
- Breeding Committee
- Racecourse Committee
- Stakeholders Committee
Sub-Committees will be the key operating component of the sport going forward. Members of these Committees will be instrumental in shaping the future direction of the sport of Harness Racing on the Isle of Ireland.
The purpose of these sub-committees is to act as a collective within the specified area and review the existing practises and identify the needs of future development. Recommendations will then be put to the IHRA Board for approval and implementation.
Three Sub-Committees have vacancies for Members and Stakeholders. These are:
- Breeding Committee
- Racecourse Committee
- Stakeholders Committee
If you believe you have the skill-set to make a difference in the development of Irish harness racing and the time and dedication, please consider putting yourself forward
Please Click on the link below to download full document and job descriptions!