Attached on the download link………. is a list of Mares being offered for sale to Ireland, these are private sales being facilitated by LeTrot. The price of each Mare is €4,500 with LeTrot subsidy of €1,500 reducing the price to €3,000.
Each Mare is catergorised 1-7 in the French studbook with 1 being the best.
Mares that have a premium get €700 subsidy for each of their future foals.
The Mares are being offered for sale along with our race horse sale on the 20th of April.
All future resulting foals that these mares have if born in Ireland are eligible to race in France as long as sired by a French approved Sire.
The progeny of these mares will be eligible for Trotteur Francais Age Stakes races in Ireland over the coming years.
Anybody interested in purchasing a Mare or requires futher information please contact
James O’Sullivan 087 2571330
Mark Flanagan 086 2698399