Following a recent meeting between representatives of the boards of directors of both the IHRA & STAGBI a new working agreement has been finalized in order to respect each other’s stud books and to ensure a smooth transition of Stallions and Broodmares currently owned and resident in Ireland to be transferred from the STAGBI Stud Book and endorsed into the new Irish Standardbred Stud Book.
It has been jointly agreed that all Standardbred’s born in Ireland hereon in will be registered in the IHRA’s Stud Book and those born in Great Britain will continue to be done in the STAGBI Stud Book. Covering certificates for Stallions owned in Ireland will be issued by the IHRA and will be accepted by STAGBI for the registration of the progeny of any mares owned in Great Britain similarly covering certificates issued by STAGBI for Stallions owned in Great Britain will be accepted by the IHRA for the registration of any progeny born in Ireland.
Stallions owned in Ireland will be transferred from the STAGBI Stud Book free of charge up until the beginning of the 2016 breeding season (1st April 2016) following the completion of “Application to Transfer” form by the current registered owner which is available to download from the IHRA website and must be returned to the IHRA Office for processing when completed. Similarly mares will also be done free of charge until the 31st October 2016 on completion of the application to transfer form from the current registered owner. All transfers after these dates will incur a processing fee of £50 (Stg) payable to STAGBI.
All reasonable steps will be taken to avoid duplicate names and registered prefixes and suffixes will also be honoured. Both organisations will work in close cooperation to ensure the integrity of the Standardbred breed is upheld at all times.
Irish Standardbred Stud Book Fees:
- Registration of a foal up to 31st October : €87.00
- Registration of a foal after 31st October: €105.00
- Registration of a yearling: €111.00
- Registration of 2 Year old and older: €148.00
- Change of registered ownership: €15.00
- Duplicate Passport: €43.00
- Stallion Certificate: €150.00
- Covering Certificates: €15.00
- IHRA Annual Membership Fee: €30.00 (replaces the current annual registration fee for IHRA licence holders)
- Registered post: €10.00
All applicants must be a current paid member of the IHRA to effect any Stud Book transaction.
If you require Marking Charts, DNA Sample Kits, Application to Transfer Forms etc please ring the IHRA Helpdesk on 01-5310365 (Monday to Friday 09.00am to 1.00pm & 2.00pm to 5.30pm or email [email protected]