The official website of the Irish Harness Racing Association

IHRA Covid 19 Protocols


Trainers, Drivers, Owners, Grooms & Officials atrending any race fixture are requested to read the follwoing protocols (short version) and complete all related forms (found in the online forms section, under Covid 19 forms) before 3pm tomorrow, Sunday 28th June, ahaead of racing on Monday 29th.

All trainers must complete the list of attendee’s forms on the Portmarnock Raceway website via online forms. (This must include themselves, their drivers, grooms, and owners who intend in attending a race meeting and must be completed 2 days prior to every race meeting.)

·         All grooms listed on the above-mentioned form, must be licenced by the IHRA and must have completed the Grooms licence form, which is available in the online forms tab, on the Portmarnock Website.

·         All attendees must complete the pre health questionnaire which is available on the Portmarnock website via online forms, two days prior to the race meeting. Any person who has not completed this form, will not be permitted entry to the racecourse.

·         A temperature check of all attendees will take place at the entrance to all racecourses, for all attendees, at all meetings.

·         Any person who has a high temperature reading (38 Degrees or above) will not gain access to the racecourse and will be asked to leave.

·         With regards to the temperature checks, attendees are asked to stay in their vehicles and the official will take your reading from your vehicle.

·  The temperature check will close 30 minutes befor ethe first race.

·         All horses must be declared by text to 0872571330 one hour before racing and prior to arriving at the racecourse.

·         All trainers race numbers will be distributed at the entrance to the racecourse and trainers are requested to return them in the paddock office once your race is complete.

·         No children will be permitted to attend any race meeting until further notice, except for those licenced as grooms where the minimum age is 12 years.

·         Horse boxes and lorries must park 5 metres apart in the paddock and personal cars of grooms and owners must park within the same vicinity as their horses.

·         Additional parking for horseboxes and lorries will be available in the upper car park in Portmarnock.

·         No vehicles will be permitted to park at the railings of the track as this will be used as a viewing area.

·         Attendees are reminded to respect social distancing, wash your hands regularly, use the hand sanitation stations regularly and abide by the cough and tissue etiquette.

·         The wearing of face masks is mandatory for all drivers whilst on the track.

·         A horse selected for an integrity sample must use the one way system into the sampling unit and the trainer or his/her representative must hand the horse over to the integrity assistant for the sample to be taken. The trainer or representative must observe the testing procedure from outside the sampling unit. Once completed the horse will be handed back to this person.

·         Restricted exercising will be enforced at all meetings in 2020. Horses will only be permitted to exercise, immediately after the race prior to their own. A bell will signal at the start of this time and again 5 minutes prior to the start of the race.

·         No white whips are permitted in any race.

·         If an attendee feels unwell during a race fixture, they are advised to return to their vehicle and ring their GP or the HSE for advice. The medical personnel onsite will not be in a position to treat any person who any symptoms associated with Covid 19.

·         The Covid 19 compliance officer is James Levis.