- Stable Yard opens from 10.30am Sunday morning.
- All Horses will be inspected by the Veterinary Officials at the point of entry to the Stable Yard and must have the passport available which will be inspected for current flu vac regime and identification purposes. If a Passport is not present the horse will NOT be allowed access to the Stable yard and will NOT be allowed to race. Horses failing Veterinary inspection for any reason will equally be refused access and race entry.
- Each horse will be assigned an individual stable (each trainer will be allocated adjacent stables), horses are not permitted to leave the stable yard until their racing assignment has been completed and/or integrity testing requirements are carried out.
- All horses must be in the stable yard by 12.30pm.
- Declarations close at 1.00pm sharp and all horses must be on the premises and checked by the Veterinary officials before declaration can be accepted, late declarations will be scratched.
- All horses must leave the race track by 1.20pm and the track will close for workouts at 1.30pm.
- All horses for each race to be in the parade ring 20 minutes in advance of their race start time (1.40pm for the 1st race, 2.10pm for the 2nd race etc).
- Race start times: 2.00, 2.30. 3.00, 3.30, 4.00, 4.25, 4.50, 5.15, 5.40 & 6.05.
- All horses will be led by a competent handler and the driver will walk behind the sulky with both reins in hand. Handlers will be provided with the IHRA’s Official jacket to be worn in the parade ring and returned after the horse is led on to the race track.
- Horses leave the parade ring 7 minutes in advance of their race start time and jog anti clockwise past the grand stand to make their way to the pickup point at the far end of the home straight.
- All winners including the driver must go the winner’s enclosure for the presentation/interviews.
- Horses required for integrity testing must have an assigned handler/representative present whilst the required Blood and/or Urine samples are being processed and will be required to sign for such samples.
- Only the direct connections and handlers of horses competing on the day will be allowed in the Stable yard, access will be with the allocated wrist band ONLY, strictly no children allowed.
- Drivers and Handlers are reminded neat dress is essential, clean colours drivers must wear back protectors and appropriate footwear strictly no trainers.
- Whip rules and breaking rules strictly enforced (BLACK whips only), breaking horses must go to the outside when/where clearance exists.
- All races are over a distance of 1.25 miles which start and finish in front of the Grand Stand.
- The draws are pre done and Horses will wear the number cloth allocated on the race card. All races will start with 1 to 6 on the gate and 7 to 12 directly in behind in the second line with the exception of Race No. 10 where it is a 3, 4 & 1 formation in three lines.
- No horse allowed the leave the stable yard for workout or to the parade ring for racing without wearing the allocated number cloth.
- Stables are available for overnight but must be pre arranged.
- Race entry fees: Trotters €200, Pacers €100, pre payment of entry fees against outstanding prize money will apply as normal.
Your cooperation in all aspect of this schedule is paramount and your performance will determine our suitability for a return to Dundalk Stadium in 2016.
This schedule has been agreed with the Management of Dundalk Stadium, the Turf Club Veterinary Officials and the Board of Horse Racing Ireland.
Final reminder NO PASSPORT —-NO ENTRY —-NO RACE.