The official website of the Irish Harness Racing Association

IHRA Autumn Racing

Autumn months are busy with exciting events at Portmarnock Raceway! September  22nd  Ladies DaySeptember  29th LeTrot Gold &  All Ireland Series finalOctober 13th  Barney Gilligan Memorial October 20th  Bookmakers Cup  October 20th* will determine  Trotteur Francais  of the  Year in Ireland and  the leading trot  driver  who will represent Ireland in Belgium in the International Race *Please  […]

Argentan 2019

The Irish Harness Racing Association are having there annual racing event with our French counterparts at  the Hippodrome d’Argentan in Normandy on November 17th The event includes  8 Irish Drivers vs 8 French Drivers 8 Irish Apprentice Drivers vs 8 French Apprentice Drivers     Cost will be €350 per driver which includes flights, Hotel […]