The official website of the Irish Harness Racing Association

Good Luck JR!

The IHRA Board of Directors would like to take this opportunity to wish the very best of luck to John Richardson today and tomorrow in Norway and Sweden respectively at the European Driving Championships.

This is another massive step forward for the industry, where we now have a representative competing for a place in the World Driving Championships which takes place in Sweden next May.

It shows us where the sport has travelled in such a very small length of time. It is a fitting tribute, to John that he has been selected, driving since 1981, with 1356 wins, raced in 7564 races, earning in excess of €1.3 million and a personal best of 1.55.2.

His racing career has seen him take leading driver on a regular basis and has raced in France, UK, Autralia and now Norway and Sweden. John has been joined by his wife Jacqueline and daughters Katie & Hannah and we hope that they cherish this wonderful trip.
