The official website of the Irish Harness Racing Association

All Ireland series for Pacers and Trotters

All Ireland series for Pacers and Trotters

Open to all grades from F and above.
All horses are treated equal, with no handicap mark assigned. 
Minimum of 10 horses for series to be viable.
Heats and Finals FFA and Ballot for position.
Horses split into heats by open ballot.
Points awarded as follows
The winner receives 5 points more than the second, the second 3 points more than the third, the third 2 points more than the fourth, and from the fifth onwards, each time 1 point less, till the last competitor who receives 1 point. 
When final points are calculated from the heats Top 50%  go into Final A and rest into final B*

* subject to entry

Portmarnock July 14th
Annaghmore July 28th
Manch August 25th
Final Portmarnock September 29th

Minimum of €10k total purse.
Minimum of €16k total purse.

Nomination €250
Entry €120

Nominations close on Monday July 8th at 6pm

If over subscribed trainers with multiple entries may be ask to list horses in preferential order